In Loving Memory

For my friend Aru that always smiling. When calling my name, he will called, "Kak Zu". We will miss you..

One of my beloved friend has recently passed away. In all of his time working in this IPTS, he has earned the deep respect, high praise and wide affection of all his colleagues who had over the years become his compatriots as well.

He was sadly beset by a long-term illness that ultimately ravaged and took his life, but through that period and phase of his life he bore it all with unbending strength, amazing patience and professional grace.

His passing away marks a great loss to all of us here, and we grieve with his family and loved ones this sad passing away of a treasured colleague ,respected friend and beloved brother.

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Noushy Syah said…
Al-Fatihah, utk rakan n fmly kak LOng yang telah pulang kerahmatullah tuh...moga2 ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yg beriman.Ameen.
Juezura said…
noushy..sorry friend ni non muslim.
Juezura said…
noushy..sorry friend ni non muslim.
Anonymous said…
takziah untuk kak long dan kawan2 yg lain...
Noushy Syah said…
OOO yeke Kak Long..oyet then..salam takziah buat keluarganya.Emm Kak LOng sowii jugak Nshy tak pasan ...
Normie said…
salam takziah buat keluarga teman kak long..sedihkan bila kita kehilangan seorg teman yg pernah bersama dlm suka dan duka.SEdih lagi bila dngr lagu cinta ni...

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