Love and Hate

Latest tag from Noushy is about what I love and Hate. I thought it is easy to answer this tag but oh nooo!! I could not think the answer. Finally, before going home, in between my routine works, I managed to finish the tag. Here are the answers:

Satay oh satay

A1. I love to eat: Satay /sea food -yummy ..kita serupa ek noushy...ehehehe .All types of foods -Malay, Chinese, Indian style..semua boleh..ihiks /western food-also boleh layan . So nanti kak long pergi London, Noushy boleh masakkan any western food for me...ahaks.

Tak tergamak nak makan itik

A2. I hate to eat: Duck but I love duck eggs..boleh ke macam tu??

cuti-cuti Malaysia

B1. I love to go: cuti-cuti (holidays) with my family.
B2. I hate to go: to a crowded place like concerts, or shopping complex during sales whereby I have to wait and wait and wait or to waste 15-20 minutes in the car just to find a parking space. I will not park my car on the roadside and my mom always says okey..ehehhehe I prefer to make a u-turn and stop in other shopping complex ...ehehhehe.

My next birthday present ?

C1. I love it when: I received a present -siapa tak suka bila dapat hadiah? isk iskk ..whehhehe tapi heran ..tak pernah dapat hadiah masa birthday...masa2 lain pernah pulak..huhuhuhu
C2 .I hate it when: I got trapped in a traffic jammed for hours...mulalah membebel sorang2...ahaks

Traffic jammed...saper yg suka hah??

D1. I love to see: movie/drama -classic or latest that has family values.
D2. I hate to see: Horror movie...eeeee tak mo tengok all the ghost movies..penakut!!

E1. I love to hear: the evergreen songs/lite and easy musics . Asal sedap telinga mendengarnya.

E2. I hate to hear: about politics /about war /any news about those people that have hurt my feeling or done something bad to me.

The tag stop here....noushy jangan marah yer :)


Abang Long said…
Salam hormat buat kak long. TERIMA KASIH kerana memberikan nombor hp abang long kepada arsaili. Dan terima kasih kerana mendo'akan kesihatan abang long.
mad redo1 said…
glad the tag stops here... hehehe... anyway could relate to most of zura's loves and hates... especially C2... that why I am glad to be living in Teganung with the occasional trips to the kLang Valley...
Noushy Syah said…
Hahahha..I don't hate horror movies, I love to see it if Syahyang is with me for some reason ngehh..but will not see by my own or alone..tatut!!!

Hhehe, well done, thanks kak long..seem like kak long makan all type of foods, pretty convenience!

Have a gr8 w/end Kak Long though I knew you're not feeling well..take care yea.
Juezura said…
Abang Long--sekadar berkongsi nombor telefon dgn sahabat yg lain ..tak ada masalah lah abang long lagipun arsaili tu lelaki..kalau yg mintak tu perempuan fikir byk kali sebelum nak beri..eheheh.

Apapun moga abang long sihat yer.
Juezura said…
Mat. Redo1-->Rezeki kak long masih di lembah Klang , jadinya suka tk suka pun terima dan laluilah jammed tu ..eheheh setakat 10-15 minit setiap kali masuk kerja pagi tu dah biasa dah..ehehhe Marang tu best sesak. Ingat nak pi tukar ke sanalah..eheheh.
Juezura said…
Noushy-->Oooo tengok citer horror dgn partner tak mengapaler ...eheheh.Kak Long makan apa sahaja ..cuma ada beberapa jenis kuih dan masakan yg kurang suka laa kalau dah kebulur telan jugak. Ihiks
mad redo1 said…
tukar ke marang lagi le melankolia nanti... senyap-sunyi sangat bila malam... hehehe...
Juezura said…
mad.redo1-->ahahah itula pasal ek..sunyi sangat kat situ...boring giler pulak nanti...tapi kat rumah kak long pun skrg ni malam sunyi sepi gak sebab cam marang jugak eheheh kampung..ekekek tv jer yg bising.
Qaseh Bidadari said…
kak long,mum inlaw eira berniaga satay...

kalo kaklong turun sini,nanti eira banjer k!
Juezura said…
eira-->huhuhu nak belanja kak long satay yer? best tu , InsyaAllah nanti kak long sampailah PD tu :)

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